98 Search Results for "human resource ministry"
New minimum wage proposal to be presented to Cabinet next month, says Sim
17 Aug 2024
No one is barred from HR Ministry, says Sim
17 Jul 2024
Sim vows swift action on any culprits uncovered by MACC probe, third-party audit
10 Jul 2024
Ministry submits report to MACC over audit findings on HRD Corp
5 Jul 2024
24 unauthorised users issued approvals under foreign worker management system
3 Jul 2024
More than 65,000 free skills courses attended by Malaysians during NTW, says Sim
30 Jun 2024
HR ministry cutting red tape to make M'sia an attractive job market, says Sim in NTW special panel
29 Jun 2024
Progressive Wage Policy pilot project may be extended till June next year, says HR Minister
6 Jun 2024
Sim: Duped workers cases won't affect US trafficking report; Pengerang landmark case for workers
20 May 2024
Foreign worker intake ceiling to be achieved by year-end, says Home Minister
20 May 2024
Multi-tier levy mechanism implementation by January 2025, says Sim
20 May 2024
ECRL extension to bring foreign workers approved to avoid interruption, says Saifuddin
20 May 2024
New TVET portal simplifies application process, says Ahmad Zahid
20 May 2024
HRD CORP to sponsor 1,000 truckers to get E licence, says Loke
17 May 2024
Interim report on setting up of gig workers commission ready by June, says minister
1 May 2024
Campaign to raise awareness of mental health among employees well-received, says Sim
28 Apr 2024
HR Ministry considers incentives for employers who implement flexible work arrangements, says Sim
19 Apr 2024
Malaysia to host Asean Green Jobs Forum
23 Mar 2024
Not a Sim-ulation
23 Mar 2024
Kesuma to raise SKSSR age limit to 60, says Sim
14 Mar 2024
Details of Gig Workers Commission under review, says Steven Sim
13 Mar 2024
Company that did not pay salaries since September 2023 issued notice, says minister
13 Mar 2024
Socso, HR have one month to develop new upskilling training
1 Mar 2024
70% of patients at Socso rehabilitation centre returned to work
28 Feb 2024
Malaysia capable of being skills training leader in the region, says HR minister
24 Jan 2024
Govt to review MoU on foreign workers with 15 source countries, says Saifuddin
16 Jan 2024
Hiring process timeline for foreign workers to be halved, says Saifuddin
16 Jan 2024
Bangladeshi workers duped in Pengerang file claim for RM2.21mil in unpaid wages
16 Jan 2024
March 31 last day for employers to complete legalisation under RTK2.0, says Home Minister
9 Jan 2024
HR Ministry to discuss issues related to foreign workers with Home Ministry, says Steven Sim
16 Dec 2023
New HR Minister Sim to lift dignity of Malaysian workers
13 Dec 2023
Cabinet reshuffle: Sivakumar accepts being dropped, thanks everyone at ministry
12 Dec 2023
Human Resources Ministry to ensure efficient management of foreign workers, says Sivakumar
23 Nov 2023
Govt to improve self-employment social security scheme
16 Nov 2023
Ministry pays close attention to mistreatment of domestic helpers, says HR Minister
13 Nov 2023
Progressive wage model a win for employers and bosses, says HR Minister
13 Nov 2023
HR Ministry committed to curb job scam activities
5 Nov 2023
HR Ministry will conduct nationwide ops over Bangladeshi workers' plight issues
5 Nov 2023
HR Ministry reviewing minimum wage order
2 Nov 2023
LAWA Night makes a return to present 30 awards to top companies
20 Oct 2023
Employers urged to boost female labour participation
19 Oct 2023
Over supply of more than 120,00 foreign workers in service sector, says Home Minister
18 Oct 2023
Steps are being taken to reduce reliance on foreign workers, says Sivakumar
7 Oct 2023
Job seekers descend on Karnival Aspirasi Madani career fair
3 Oct 2023
Hiring of foreign workers in three sub-sectors once mechanism is fine-tuned, says HR Minister
14 Sep 2023
Over 270 employers penalised for labour rights violations since Jan 1
14 Sep 2023
Shortage of foreign workers in three sectors not more than 30,000 people, says Sivakumar
5 Sep 2023
HR ministry looking into claims that interns not paid an allowance, says PM
30 May 2023
National training week to be made annual event, says Zahid
27 May 2023
Reduce mismatch between job seekers and industries, urge ministers
17 Apr 2023
Sivakumar not a suspect, no need to go on leave, says Anthony Loke
17 Apr 2023
PM: Govt remains firm against corruption, MACC investigation still at early stage
17 Apr 2023
Quota of close to a million foreign workers approved by Putrajaya, Dewan Rakyat told
29 Mar 2023
HR, Finance ministries to discuss issue of workers still not receiving minimum wage
23 Mar 2023
Striving to bring more women into the workforce
12 Mar 2023
Better salaries can address issue of brain drain among high-skilled workers, says HR Minister
24 Feb 2023
Treat foreign workers better, the world is watching us, says HR Minister to employers
25 Jan 2023
Probe into duo who climbed Merdeka 118 still ongoing, says Home Minister
5 Jan 2023
Almost 1,100 registrations so far for Socso housewives scheme, says Human Resource Ministry
12 Dec 2022
Sending foreign workers back not an option as we need them, says Saravanan
28 Sep 2022
Wage revision soon for cleaners and security guards at govt facilities, says HR minister
26 Aug 2022
HR Ministry mulls name change for foreign workers
26 Aug 2022
Ministries agree to agency's proposal to manage entry of foreign construction workers
18 Jul 2022
No MACC ops at Human Resources Ministry, says Saravanan
18 Jul 2022
HR, Home ministries to hold meeting on July 18 on foreign workers recruitment issue, says Saravanan
17 Jul 2022
Hamzah: Home Ministry to continue overseeing security vetting of foreign workers
21 Jun 2022
HR ministry targets 136,000 self-employed individuals to contribute to Socso
3 Jun 2022
Low wages may push more people to gig economy, govt revising minimum wage
19 Feb 2022
HRD Corp now central agency for human capital development programmes
2 Dec 2021
HR Minister: Malaysia waiting for Dyson’s side of story
26 Nov 2021
Seek overseas jobs only through licensed agencies, says Deputy Human Resources Minister
1 Nov 2021
Govt to make Socso contributions a prerequisite for e-hailing licence renewal
28 Oct 2021
HR Ministry to discuss with Home Ministry on protecting welfare of security guards
15 Oct 2021
Human Resource Ministry studying ways to reduce wealth gap in country
14 Sep 2021
Over 4,200 labour issue complaints lodged via WFW app since May, says HR Ministry
3 Jul 2021
Hearing on e-hailing driver’s application for judicial review postponed to May 18
15 Apr 2021
Khairy: Workers may be allowed leave to get Covid-19 vaccine shots
5 Apr 2021
Socso studying hike in contributions by RM1 to RM2
10 Mar 2021
PM: Govt to look into expanding work from home facilities for women
8 Mar 2021
Ministry: Incident at courier company's Perak warehouse caused by workload, employees' commission
12 Feb 2021
Health Ministry hopes to double Covid-19 testing capacity to 150,000 daily
21 Jan 2021
Minister warns employers to send foreign staff for Covid-19 screening or face legal action
5 Jan 2021
HR ministry to introduce new app to allow workers to contact govt directly
26 Dec 2020
Govt to enforce compulsory Covid-19 screening for foreign workers from Jan 1
24 Dec 2020
HR Ministry releases video as proof that glovemaker workers live in squalid conditions
22 Dec 2020
Glovemaker denies its workers are living in shipping containers
22 Dec 2020
Health Ministry to probe fake Covid-19 test results, thanking doctor for information
16 Dec 2020
Covid-19: Swab tests on foreign workers to be compulsory in several states, says Ismail Sabri
20 Nov 2020
Govt looking at Covid-19 screening for all foreign workers, says Ismail Sabri
16 Nov 2020
HR minister promises something for everyone affected by Covid-19 epidemic
11 Nov 2020
Industrial Relations Dept received 31 claims for reinstatement involving ex-Malindo Air workers
3 Nov 2020
Govt to propose new amendment for flexible working arrangements
29 Jul 2020
Employers must provide up to par accommodation for foreign workers
27 May 2020
HR ministry to address SOP for foreign workers’ housing
26 May 2020
Take measures to avoid retrenching staff, PM urges employers
1 May 2020
Malaysian returnees from Singapore number about 200 daily, says Ismail Sabri
14 Apr 2020
Boy suffering from myokymia after Sungai Kim Kim pollution receives RM 17,000 donation
2 Jan 2020
Home Ministry to consider MACC’s suggestion for HR Ministry to handle foreign workers
2 Dec 2019